Huntsville’s LIT Festival is back, now for two nights! LIT, which stands for lights + innovation + technology, showcases environmental design using lights and technology. This year the festival is happening 7- 10 pm on October 18th and 19th at both Downtown Huntsville square and Big Spring Park. I thought since LIT is an acronym, I’d give you an acronym of what to expect other than the awesome art and why LIT Festival is fun for the whole FAM!
F- Food Trucks
On both nights of LIT festival you and your family can feed not only your creative hunger, but your stomach as well. Friday will be the Food Truck Rally on Church Street. On Saturday the trucks will move over to East side square.
A- Aqueous and activities
In addition to other installations, a huge part of LIT festival will be Aqueous, a temporary public art installation by artist Jen Lewin. This interactive installation will stay up past the festival until October 27th. Both nights of the festival there will also be other activities available for the family put on by LIT’s partners Lockheed Martin and Google Fiber Huntsville.
M- Music
That’s right! Each night of LIT Festival there will be live music including the Rocket City Spin Crew and DJ Adonnis Stone. Name a better duo than lights and music.
No matter who you are, there’s something for everyone at LIT Festival. To top it off the Festival is FREE. So come out, support the arts, eat some food, and have some fun!
For more information: