Downtown Huntsville offers a fun way to get a much-needed dose of art while enjoying a walk outdoors. Since it is located entirely in the Quigley Arts & Entertainment District, you can purchase an adult beverage to take with you as you stroll downtown’s nooks and crannies with your purple cup.
Much of the art downtown can be found on the Downtown Huntsville Secret Art Trail, created by Arts Huntsville and Downtown Huntsville.
But here’s your custom insider guide to finding all 19 stops!
Cydonia by Drop Metal
Get Started
Park in the Clinton Avenue Parking Garage and exit onto Clinton. Walk on Clinton toward Washington Street and turn left, then turn left again in 1 short block onto Holmes Ave. Just past the first building, turn left into the alley.
Clinton Row Parking Garage across from Washington Park. Photo by: @mp_yo
Washington Park
On your left will be the tiny Washington Park, home to stops #5 and #6, two metal sculptures. Enjoy the benches and fountains of this little pocket park.
Keep going down the alley as if you were headed back to the parking garage. At stop #9, a black-and-white retro mural is on the wall. Keep walking all the way to Clinton and turn right.
Gathering mural by Robert Bean (top) & Refuge of Change by Drop Metal (bottom)
Color Walk alley
The next alley on the right is home to the multi-panel art exhibit of Color Walk (stop #12) and #7 and #8, both of which are painted door murals.
Backtrack to Clinton and head southwest toward the smell of coffee wafting from Kaffeeklatch at the corner of Clinton and Jefferson.
Color Walk by Kate LaRocca, Katie Rosetta, Ann Vann, Christina Wegman, Serpouhie Wegman
Clinton Avenue
Dragon Stained Glass by Steve Ware
Cross Jefferson and look up to your right. The oldest art on this tour is stop #13, 3 panels of stained glass hung at the Kaffeeklatch.
Just past the building that houses Kaffeklatch, turn right into the parking lot. Stop #4 is another painted door mural, but this one blends into its surroundings!
Keep heading southwest, cross Clinton at the light, and then backtrack on Clinton. Stop #3 is in the alley to the left, directly across from the last stop.
Valles Marineris by Drop Metal and Frog Door by Susie Garrett
Big Spring Park
Turn around and go back on Clinton the way you came, then turn left on Spraggins Street. When you get to the intersection of Spring Street (just one block down), it will be hard to miss the large, brightly colored stop #2 up against the side of a parking garage.
Don’t turn onto Spring; walk into the cul-de-sac and pass the parking garage so that you enter Big Spring Park. Make an immediate left, and stop #1, which will be on the wall to your left.
Koi Mural by Dustin Timbrook
Southeast area
We’ve got two stops to go. Now is a good time to refresh that drink if you need it! Starting from our last stop, walk northeast and uphill toward Courthouse Square. Turn right on Jefferson, aka West Side Square, then cross the street and left on Southside Square. You should be on the same side of the street as the Cotton Row restaurant. Walk northeast and turn right on Franklin. Stop #10 is on the wall to your left, past the first building.
Turn and go back the way you came on Franklin, and keep going. Franklin becomes Eastside Square. At Franklin Street, turn right, go one more block down to Green Street, and turn right. Stop #11 is directly on your left.
Catalyst mural by Robert Bean
Getting back home
You may have seen a few more “unscheduled” artworks along the way and gotten a little distracted at the boutiques and restaurants, but you are only 2 ½ blocks from the parking garage where you started. Head back the way you came on Randolph, and turn right on Washington Street, then left on Clinton, and there’s the parking garage.
Enjoy your Purple Cup Secret Art Walk and stroll through historic downtown Huntsville, Alabama!
Venture Farther
If you have transportation handy, then we suggest extending your tour to our other entertainment districts and lesser-known social hubs.
Midcity District
UNITY IS LOVE mural by unknown. Photo by Josh Weichman
Little Richard Mural by Logan Tanner
You'll find both murals at MidCity District, 5901 University Drive, Huntsville, AL 35806