This is a picture of paint swirls as used in the Arts Huntsville logo.

Arts Huntsville Pumpkin Patch Contest Puts Community Creativity on Display in Downtown Huntsville
- Public invited to vote on their favorite pumpkin now through October 31st -


Huntsville, AL – Community creativity is once again on display in downtown Huntsville in Arts Huntsville’s Pumpkin Patch, sponsored by Lyon Family Farms. From now until October 31st pumpkins will decorate the windows of downtown businesses, showing off the imaginations of Huntsville artists, nonprofits, businesses, schools, and families.


The public is encouraged to take a stroll around downtown Huntsville and vote for their favorite pumpkin now through October 31st. Arts Huntsville will award cash prizes to the top three winners in two categories: artists/individuals/families and nonprofit/business/organization. First place will receive $100, second place $75, and third place $50.


The public can vote by scanning the QR codes at each pumpkin display and by visiting Voting ends on October 31st. Winners will be announced November 3rd on the Arts Huntsville Facebook Page. For more information, call (256) 519-ARTS and follow Arts Huntsville on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @artshuntsville.


Arts Huntsville is a non-profit organization founded in 1962 to stimulate and support community creativity and engagement by advancing the arts, entertainment and culture to enrich quality of life, education, and economic development in the greater Huntsville metropolitan region. With nearly 250 member arts organizations, individual artists, arts patrons, and other arts-minded non-profits, companies, and technical and professional organizations, Arts Huntsville focuses on four core program areas while serving as the service organization for area arts groups and individual artists, providing them with resources and tools to ensure their success.