HUNTSVILLE, Ala., -- Do you have a creative idea for enhancing Downtown Huntsville? Thanks to renewed support from PNC Bank, Downtown Huntsville, Inc. is excited to announce Version 2.0 of "Something Interesting"-- a competitive micro-grant program designed to support creative placemaking efforts in the Rocket City Center.

National Endowment for the Arts defines “creative placemaking” as an initiative that “animates public and private spaces, rejuvenates structures and streetscapes, improves local business viability and public safety, and brings diverse people together to celebrate, inspire, and be inspired.

“We know what the arts can do for a community – from changing one’s perspectives on the world to creating new business,” said Nick Willis, PNC regional president, Greater Alabama. “Through this second-round of micro-grants for Something Interesting, we’re continuing to make art accessible in more public spaces throughout downtown, and supporting an industry that contributes about $3 million in annual revenue for the city.”

With the new infusion of funds from PNC Bank, Downtown Huntsville will soon become home to 12 new creative placemaking projects throughout the remainder of 2019.  Each winning project will receive a $504 micro-grant designed to support art initiatives that promote Huntsville’s vibrant culture. Previous winners of the PNC micro-grants include the now iconic “Welcome to Huntsville” mural featured in Big Spring Park. 

“In celebration of this year's inaugural International Downtown Association Place Branding and Placemaking Summit held in Downtown Huntsville this May, PNC Bank has re-committed to supporting creative placemaking in our city center," explains Chad Emerson, President and CEO of Downtown Huntsville, Inc. "Version 2.0 of the $504 micro-grant competition further demonstrates PNC Bank's commitment to community revitalization and the advancement of arts in the Rocket City.  We're grateful for their continued investment in innovation." 

To apply for one of the grants, submit a one-page proposal to hayley@downtownhuntsville.org by July 15th at 5pm. Participants may craft a proposal however you see fit, but it must be only one page. A jury of creative placemaking professionals will review the applications and announce the grant recipients on July 19th. Winning projects must be implemented by December 31, 2019.