US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville

Spring in The Rocket City looks different this year. With the ongoing concerns of COVID-19, the city has adapted in ways that have challenged us all. Restaurants have moved to curbside and delivery options, local retail has expanded online shopping and added no-contact transactions, and fitness studios are hosting classes online. But in the midst of it all, Huntsville is showing up and offering unprecedented support with ideas like “Takeout Tuesdays” and t-shirt campaigns just to name a few. We love seeing the community shop local, eat local, and support local heroes—especially during this time.

Of course, our healthcare workers are getting up each day and putting on scrubs and uniforms to fight at the frontline of the pandemic. There are no words that can adequately express our gratitude. And to all essential workers, thank you for keeping our community going. We are strong because of you.

We're ALL IN this Together chalk art in Huntsville

It’s a different world than it was only months ago, but Huntsville is rising to the challenge and proving that “we are in this together…six feet apart.” And we will be there for each other until this passes.

The US Space and Rocket Center lights up each night to celebrate our front line workers. The Westin and Element at Bridge Street Town Centre are sharing their message of hope by lighting up rooms. 

While it’s impossible to truly express as a community just how thankful we are, well-wishers and citizens with grateful hearts all over the city are sharing messages of love, hope, and strength.


If you have more that we should add to this ongoing list, please let us know in the comments! We’d love to keep sharing encouraging words.

No matter what we face, we are #OneHuntsville.

Huntsville Hospital 

Huntsville Heroes at Huntsville Hospital
Credit: Card My Yard Huntsville

Our healthcare workers are heroes, and many are doing what they can to show appreciation. Outside of Huntsville Hospital, you can see a colorful sign created by Card Your Yard – Huntsville. The business behind this sign, and many others you will see throughout the city, has been helping families and businesses connect with loved ones during the quarantine. You can watch a recent story about Card Your Yard on WHNT here.

In addition to the sign, anonymous citizens armed with sidewalk chalk are leaving happy messages around the hospital campus. The Huntsville Hospital Foundation posted what they recently found outside. It reads, “There is strength in numbers. We are in this together!”

Crestwood Medical Center 

Crestwood Medical Center in Huntsville
Credit: Crestwood Medical Center

Crestwood Medical Center workers are reminded each time they walk in the building just how loved and respected they are. At the main entrance, a banner is stretched above the doors that informs people that it’s a “Heroes Entrance”. It’s true that many of our city’s bravest walk Crestwood’s halls.

There’s even another sign outside that thanks them for coming into work and serving the many patients who need care during this trying time.

Madison Hospital 

Heroes Work Here at Madison Hospital

Madison Hospital is another crucial fighter against the pandemic. Its courageous professionals have a sign to admire right outside its doors that remind them of their hero status.

Thank you for keeping us safe!

Parkway Place Mall

Huntsville Strong Parkway Place Mall

Right off the Parkway, you can see another bright and cheerful sign designed by Card Your Yard. Parkway Place Mall has placed a reminder that together we are “Huntsville Strong”.

Throughout this pandemic, let’s continue to remind all members of the Huntsville and Madison communities that we have each other’s backs. We’ve been seeing incredible acts of service like food donations, grocery deliveries, and people going the extra mile (and required six feet) to keep others protected.

Great job reminding us of our strength, Parkway Place!

Wade Mountain Greenway – Sidewalk Chalk Chalk message at Wade Mountain Greenway in Huntsville

One silver lining to the current situation is that we now have more time to focus on family, friends, and hobbies. We’re also noticing that many people are taking advantage of beautiful days and heading outside (in a safe way) to enjoy the sunshine and exercise. Huntsville is one of the best places to be for outdoor fun.

Greenways, like the one at Wade Mountain, are fast becoming new canvases for messages of hope and happiness. One post shared online at the trail shows multiple ones including:

  • Enjoy life!
  • You are loved.
  • Be kind.
  • You got this!
  • Don’t’ stop. Don’t quit.

These are all sweet reminders that we can appreciate. Thank you to Instagrammer Lindsay Healy (@linds_healy) for capturing the images!

Enjoy Life chalk art in Huntsville

Village of Providence – Sidewalk Chalk 

Sidewalk Chalk art in Huntsville


Tucked away in the Village of Providence is the Indian Creek Greenway filled with tall trees, streams, and plenty of room to walk or bike. Recently, one thoughtful chalk artist left some vibrant art to keep people smiling.

This long walk of art had funny cartoons (like Gollum from Lord of the Rings holding his “precious” toilet paper) in addition to notes of encouragement. Some of our favorites are:

  • Like a good neighbor, stay over there.
  • Today is going to be a great day.
  • Hang in there, you are fabulous.

Laughter is also a form of medicine and we appreciate that someone took the time to make their neighbors giggle.


If you see encouraging messages around the Huntsville & Madison area, please share them with us in the comments below or by using the hashtag #ihearthsv! It can be anything from a business sign to artwork and sidewalk chalk. We will be on the lookout for more.

Color Your Own! Huntsville Coloring Page 

Child coloring Huntsville Coloring Sheet

The Huntsville/Madison County CVB Created their own coloring page! Color it and post to social media using #iHeartHsv or tag the Huntsville Madison County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Click here to download it! 

Color Huntsville CVB

Stay safe and stay strong, Huntsville!

Have a Nice day chalk art in Huntsville