Trap Yoga 256
2020-2021 allowed people to develop outlets to focus on physical and mental health in ways they hadn't had time for in the past. As we all sheltered in place at home, many people flocked outdoors to escape, heal, find mental clarity, and create new and needed communities.
During a break from creating, I remember hoping on Facebook, mindlessly scrolling, and coming across a post from an old classmate about Trap Yoga. The women were glowing and had a sense of airiness about themselves, and I was intrigued.
I've always been a fan of the benefits of yoga but had never attended a class that compelled me to return. I'd watched this style of yoga explode in cities like L.A and Chicago and was excited to see it finally make its way to Huntsville.
After watching and admiring from afar, I finally had a chance to try a class and chat with instructor Chassity Rogers; it was amazing!
By now, you're probably wondering, "what is Trap Yoga?" Chassity describes Trap Yoga as a non-traditional style of yoga paired with pop, hip-hop, and R&B playlists that "provide a space for you to connect and challenge your body with an occasional twerk break."
I attended one of their weekly Wednesday flows. Similar to traditional yoga, this class has a slower pace and focuses on breathwork and meditation. While this class did not include the infamous "twerk break," it did come with an environment that made a novice yogi like myself feel at ease and comfortable.
The music choices were trendy yet smooth and engaging, which helped set the tone for relaxation. Instead of focusing on my discomfort during a pose, like I usually do, I found myself vibing, and before I knew it, we were transitioning to the next. I felt dialed in, and from the looks of others, they did as well.
"The goal of Trap Yoga is to provide women of color a safe and comfortable place to practice yoga and form a deeper connection with their bodies and mind," says Chassity, but the appeal runs deeper. The class I attended had participants that ranged from women to men and even children. Outside of family yoga, I had never participated in a yoga session with such a variety of people, and I found it to elevate my experience.
After the class wrapped up, I took a quick inventory of the evening and decided, for the first time, I would return for a second session. I felt at home and found that Trap Yoga is special. This community makes space for everyBODY seeking a deeper connection to self and filling a void in the world of yoga. "We are a group of all shapes and sizes." Aware that people often face the fear of judgment when beginning new fitness routines, Chassity wants everyone to know that "Trap yoga meets you where you are!"
Trap Yoga meets every Wednesday evening for a meditative flow and turns up the heat on Saturday mornings for a fun, upbeat flow. They also host special events such as family yoga and couples’ yoga with wine and games. Trap Yoga is a vibe you don't want to miss!
For more information on classes and events, follow Trap Yoga:
Facebook group -TrapYogaHsv
Instagram- @TrapYogaHsv256
Are you looking for more Yoga in Huntsville? Be sure to check out Yoga with Simiaye. Simiaye, "breathe life" in Yoruba, offers all levels of vinyasa classes, Hot Yoga at Hot Yoga of Huntsville and Madison, and men's meditation classes.