Galaxy of Lights

For over 26 years, the Huntsville Botanical Garden has created a “holiday light extravaganza” with its Galaxy of Lights every winter. You’ll see Huntsville’s ingenuity on display through animated light displays, from Santa Claus with a rocket to a twinkling icicle forest, traditional holiday scenes or nursery rhyme characters.There are both walking and driving experiences for guests of all ages.

Walking Nights

Pre-purchase your timed ticket (5:15 - 8:30 pm) to guarantee admission.
November 15 - December 1 (Closed November 17 & Thanksgiving Day) and December 4 – 8, 18 – 26 (Closed Christmas Day)
5:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Time of last admission)

Dog Walking Nights

Every Monday and Tuesday during Walking Nights (November 18 & 19, November 25 & 26, and December 23 & 24). Admission: $5 per dog.

Driving Nights

December 9 – 17 & 27 – 31 | 5:30 - 9:00 pm


Even More Magic